ServiceNow Interview Questions & Answers for ITOM,CMDB, Discovery & Developer

ServiceNow is a cloud-based IT Service Management tool that offers a single system of record for IT services, operations, and business management. ServiceNow has broad control over allocating the resources and designing the process flow of those services. There are various tools that are designed specifically based on the needs of the user that include Business Management Applications, Custom Service Management, IT Service Automation Application, and HR Management.

ServiceNow is a cloud-based IT Service Management tool that offers a single system of record for IT services, operations, and business management. ServiceNow has broad control over allocating resources and designing the process flow of those services. Various tools are designed specifically based on the needs of the user, including Business Management Applications, Custom Service Management, IT Service Automation Applications, and HR Management. In this article, you can go through the set of ServiceNow interview questions most frequently asked in the interview panel. It will help you crack the interview as the topmost industry experts curate these at HKR training.

"In this article, you can go through the set of ServiceNow interview questions most frequently asked in the interview panel. It will help you crack the interview as the topmost industry experts curate these at HKR training. Additionally, to thoroughly prepare for your ServiceNow interview, it is important to take a comprehensive approach.

Firstly, it is crucial to decide on the ServiceNow profile you will be focusing on, whether it is Administrator, Developer, or Architect. This will allow you to tailor your preparation specifically to the requirements of the role.

Furthermore, ensure that your resume is customized to the job description. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences that align with the desired qualifications, as this will make your application stand out.

To demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to the company, conduct thorough research on the organization. Familiarize yourself with their values and the products and services they offer. This knowledge will enable you to showcase your genuine interest during the interview.

In addition, it is essential to familiarize yourself with ServiceNow's product offerings. Understanding the platform and its capabilities will help you answer technical questions and showcase your expertise effectively.

Consider the interview format, whether it is conducted over the phone, via webcam, or in-person, and plan accordingly. Be prepared in terms of technology, create a suitable environment, and present yourself professionally.

To excel in the interview, anticipate frequently asked ServiceNow questions and prepare well-crafted responses. This will demonstrate your knowledge and preparedness to the interview panel.

Lastly, it is recommended to prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer. This showcases your interest in the role and the company, as well as your proactive approach to seeking clarification and understanding.

By combining the comprehensive guidance provided in Their article with the set of frequently asked interview questions in Your article, you will be well-equipped to crack your ServiceNow interview with confidence and success."<

Most Frequently Asked ServiceNow Interview Questions

Let us have a quick review of the ServiceNow interview questions that can be used by those who are attending ServiceNow developer interview questions.

1. Explain the term "Business Rule"?

Ans: The business rule is server-side scripting that executes when any record is inserted, modified, deleted, displayed, or queried. The necessity of keeping and creating a business rule is to identify when and on what action it is supposed to execute. The business rule is applicable over the following operations when an action is performed.

  • On display
  • On before
  • On After

2. What is CMDB?

Ans: The acronym CMDB stands for Configuration Management Database. It serves as a centralized repository for storing information related to IT installations. A CMDB acts as a data warehouse that holds data about a collection of IT assets and their descriptive relationships. It provides a comprehensive record of hardware, software, network devices, and other components within an organization's IT infrastructure. By maintaining accurate and up-to-date information, the CMDB enables effective management of IT resources, change control processes, and incident management. With the CMDB, organizations can track and understand the relationships between various assets, facilitating better decision-making, problem resolution, and overall IT governance.

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3. What is the CMDB Baseline?

Ans: The CMDB baseline plays a crucial role in understanding and controlling changes made to a configuration item (CI) after its creation. It serves as a snapshot of the CI, capturing its state at a specific point in time. By referring to the baseline, you can gain insights into the modifications made to the CI and exercise control over them. This means that you can compare any subsequent changes against the baseline to assess the impact and ensure proper management of the CI. In essence, the CMDB baseline acts as a reference point, allowing you to monitor and manage the evolution of the CI throughout its lifecycle.

4. What is domain separation in ServiceNow?

Ans: Domain separation is a method employed by ServiceNow to effectively segregate data into logically-defined domains. It not only enables data separation but also offers the flexibility to separate administration. For instance, let's consider the scenario of Mark, a CEO overseeing two distinct organizations. Mark utilizes a single instance of ServiceNow to manage both businesses. Naturally, Mark desires to ensure that users associated with one business are unable to access the data pertaining to the other business. Therefore, in this particular case, domain separation proves invaluable as it allows for the isolation of records from both businesses, safeguarding the confidentiality and integrity of each organization's data.

5. State some best practices while using ServiceNow.

Ans: These are some of the best practices that are followed while using ServiceNow.

  • The spreadsheets and email must be replaced with collaborative workspaces.
  • Every business process of your organization must be automated.
  • ServiceNow enables you to develop a modern work environment easily.
  • To streamline the service delivery, aim to enhance, structure, and automate the workflow.

6. How many types of search options are given in ServiceNow?

Ans: In ServiceNow, there are five types of searches available to help you find the information you need:

1. Lists: This option allows you to search for records within a specific list. It is a handy way to locate particular records within a table or module.

2. Global Text Search: With this powerful feature, you can search for records across multiple task tables using just a single search field. It saves time and effort by providing a consolidated search capability.

3. Knowledgebase: If you're looking for knowledge articles, this search option is here to assist you. It enables you to find relevant articles based on specific keywords or topics, offering insights and solutions.

4. Navigation filter: Simplify your navigation experience by using the navigation filter. It allows you to filter the items displayed in the application navigator, making it easier to find the modules or applications you're looking for.

5. Search scenes: Administrators have the ability to create custom search modules known as search scenes. These modules provide a form-like interface that allows for targeted searches within specific tables, enhancing the search experience according to specific requirements or preferences. By utilizing these five search options, you can efficiently navigate and search through ServiceNow, finding the information you need in a more streamlined and effective manner.

7. What is a client script?

Ans: A client script refers to a script that is executed exclusively on the client-side browser. In simpler terms, it runs directly on the user's browser, allowing for enhanced interactivity and dynamic functionality. This type of script is commonly employed to perform various operations, and it encompasses different types of functions. These functions, namely OnLoad(), OnSubmit(), OnChange(), and OncellEdit, enable developers to trigger specific actions at different stages of a user's interaction with a web page. By utilizing these client script types, developers can customize and optimize the user experience, ensuring that actions are performed promptly and accurately. Thus, a client script serves as an essential tool for enhancing the functionality and interactivity of web applications, operating solely on the client-side browser environment.The script that can run only on the client-side browser is known as the client script. The client script implements the following types of operations.

  • OnLoad()
  • OnSubmit()
  • OnChange()
  • OncellEdit)

8. What is a record producer?

Ans: A record producer is a catalog item that functions as a valuable tool for generating task-based records within the Service Catalog. It allows users to effortlessly create various types of records, such as change records or problem records. By utilizing a record producer, individuals are provided with an alternative approach to record creation, streamlining the process and enhancing efficiency within the service catalog. With the assistance of a record producer, users can easily navigate through the creation of task-based records, ultimately simplifying the overall record management experience.

9. What is a data policy concerning ServiceNow?

Ans: You can enforce online data policies by assigning read-only attributes for all the fields. Data policies are almost similar to UI policies. The difference between the Data policies and UI policies is that UI policy is applicable only to the data entered on a form by using a standard browser. On the other hand, data policies can apply rules for every data entered into the system.

10. What is a transform Map?

Ans: A transform map is a crucial component in ServiceNow that facilitates the seamless transfer of records from the import set table to the target table. It plays a vital role in mapping the imported data to the corresponding fields in the target table. In addition, a transform map also establishes the relationships between the fields displayed in the Import Set table and those in the target table. This ensures that the data is accurately and effectively transformed, allowing for a smooth transition and synchronization between the two tables. Overall, a transform map is an essential mechanism that enables efficient data transformation and relationship management within ServiceNow.

If you want to Explore more about ServiceNow? then read - ServiceNow Tutorial & ServiceNow Ticketing Tool

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11. What is the use of HTML Sanitizer?

Ans: The HTML sanitizer automatically cleans up markup in HTML fields. It helps to remove unwanted code and protect against security concerns like cross-site scripting attacks. The HTML sanitizer is active for all instances, starting with the Eureka release.

12. What are Gauges?

Ans: A gauge is a valuable tool in ServiceNow that provides detailed information about the current status of records on ServiceNow tables. It serves as a visual representation of data and is prominently displayed on the ServiceNow homepage. Gauges are created based on reports, allowing users to monitor specific metrics and track key performance indicators. Not only limited to the homepage, gauges can also be placed on content pages, ensuring easy access to important information at all times. By leveraging reports, gauges offer real-time insights into various aspects of an organization's operations, helping users make informed decisions and take prompt actions. In summary, gauges in ServiceNow are powerful instruments that allow users to quickly access and analyze crucial data points. Their presence on the homepage and content pages ensures that important information is readily available. By utilizing reports as a foundation, gauges provide a comprehensive overview of key metrics, enabling users to monitor and optimize performance effectively.

13. What is Performance Analytics in ServiceNow?

Ans: Performance Analytics is an additional application in ServiceNow that allows customers to take a snapshot of data at regular intervals and create time series for any Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the organization. With Performance Analytics, users can effectively track and monitor the performance of various KPIs over time. By taking regular snapshots of data, users can analyze trends and patterns to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for their organization. This powerful tool enables customers to create time series for any KPI, providing a comprehensive understanding of their organization's performance. Whether it's measuring customer satisfaction, tracking incident response times, or analyzing service level agreement compliance, Performance Analytics offers a range of possibilities for monitoring and optimizing key metrics. By leveraging this additional application in ServiceNow, customers can enhance their analytical capabilities and drive continuous improvement in their organization.

14. What is an update set?

Ans: an "updated set" refers to a collection of changes a user makes to a system that can be packaged and moved to other environments without manual intervention. This is designed to make the transfer of configuration changes easier. However, not all types of customizations are automatically captured in these update sets. Specifically, homepages and content pages don't get included by default and must be manually added to ensure they are transferred along with other customizations. This detail is critical to remember to ensure all necessary components are included when moving customizations between environments.

15. What is LDAP Integration and its use?

Ans: LDAP, which stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is a protocol used for user data population and user authentication. In the context of ServiceNow, LDAP integration plays a vital role in streamlining the user login process and automating the creation of users, as well as assigning them roles. By integrating with the LDAP directory, ServiceNow simplifies the user authentication process, making it more efficient and secure. Additionally, this integration allows for the automatic population of user data, ensuring accurate and up-to-date user information within the ServiceNow platform. This, in turn, enables administrators to easily manage user access and permissions, enhancing overall system governance. Overall, LDAP integration in ServiceNow is a powerful tool that optimizes the user experience and improves the administrative efficiency of managing user accounts and roles.

16. What do you mean by Metrics in ServiceNow?

Ans: Metrics record and measure the workflow of individual records. Using these metrics, customers can manage their process by providing tangible figures to measure, for example, how long it takes before a ticket is reassigned or changes state. 

17. What does the Client Transaction Timings plugin do?

Ans: The Client Transaction Timings plugin enhances the system logs by providing more information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server. By providing information on how time was spent during the transaction, performance issues can be tracked down to the source by seeing where the time is being consumed.

The Client Transaction Timings plugin is an essential tool that enhances the system logs by providing comprehensive information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server. By activating the 'Client Transaction Timing plugin,' users gain invaluable insights into how time is allocated during these transactions, enabling them to identify and address potential performance issues. This plugin goes beyond basic transaction timing by offering a detailed breakdown of how time is spent throughout the entire transaction process. It enables users to track down the source of performance bottlenecks by pinpointing exactly where time is being consumed. With this level of granularity, users can analyze and optimize various elements of the transaction, such as network latency, server response times, or client-side processing. By leveraging the power of the Client Transaction Timings plugin, users can proactively monitor and improve the overall efficiency of their client-server interactions. Armed with accurate and detailed information on transaction duration, they can identify any anomalies or patterns that may be impacting performance. This empowers them to take targeted actions to optimize their systems and ensure smooth and seamless user experiences. In summary, the Client Transaction Timings plugin is an indispensable asset for organizations seeking to gain a deeper understanding of their client-server interactions. By activating this plugin, users can unlock valuable insights into transaction duration and identify areas for improvement, ultimately leading to enhanced performance and user satisfaction

18. What do you mean by impersonating a user? How is it useful?

Ans: Impersonating a user means that you can log in to the system as that user and can have a feel for how the ServiceNow UI is set for that user. It is very useful while testing. For example, if you need to test whether a user can access the change form or not. You can impersonate that user and test instead of logging out from your session and logging in again with that user's credentials.

19. What is a dictionary override?

Ans: Dictionary Overrides provide the capability to override several properties of a field in an extended table. For instance, when a changing table is extended from the task table, there may be a field called status in the task table that is initially set as read-only. This means that when this field is used in the change form, it will be displayed as read-only, preventing users from modifying its value. However, by utilizing a dictionary override, we can modify this property and make the field non-read only, enabling users to edit its value. In addition to modifying the read-only property, dictionary overrides allow us to customize other properties of fields in an extended table. This means we have the flexibility to tweak various aspects such as data type, default value, and field length to better suit our specific requirements. By utilizing dictionary overrides, we gain the ability to fine-tune the behavior and appearance of fields in an extended table, providing a more tailored and efficient user experience. This powerful feature empowers administrators and developers to customize and optimize their ServiceNow instances to meet the unique needs of their organizations

20. Which table stores update sets and customization?

Ans: In the context of update sets and customizations, the storage of data is crucial. Specifically, update sets and their associated customizations are stored in designated tables within the system. More precisely, each update set finds its place in the 'Update Set [sys_update_set]' table, while the customizations linked to these update sets reside in the '[sys_update_xml]' table. This clear delineation ensures that the update sets and their respective customizations are organized and accessible, facilitating efficient management and tracking of changes across the system.

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21. What is the difference between the next() and _next() method?

Ans: The "next()" method is applied to move to the next record in GlideRecord. The "_next()" provides the same functionality as "next()", intended to be used in cases when we query the table having a column name as next.

22. What is a UI Policy?

Ans: UI policies are a powerful alternative to client scripts that offer a range of functionalities to control the behavior of fields on a form. With UI policies, you can effortlessly set fields as mandatory, read-only, or visible, providing a seamless user experience. This ensures that the necessary fields are filled out correctly and prevents any unwanted modifications. Moreover, UI policies excel in their ability to dynamically change fields on a form, adapting to the specific needs of users in real-time. By leveraging UI policies, you can effortlessly customize the form's behavior based on user input or other contextual factors. This flexibility allows for a more intuitive and efficient user interface, enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.

23: Name a few types of reports that you can generate.

Ans: A few types of reports are.

  • List
  • Bar
  • Pivot
  • Pie
  • Calendar

24. State the best practices of client scripts.

Ans: A few of the best practices of client Scripts are as follows:

  • Enclose Code in Functions.
  • Avoid DOM manipulation, use the "g_form" object.
  • Avoid global client scripting, etc.

25. What is the processing order for Record ACL rules?

Ans: Record ACL rules are processed in the following order:

  • Matching the object against field ACL rules.
  • Matching the object against table ACL rules.
  • Users must pass both field and table ACL rules in order to access a record object Relationship.

26. What do you mean by the term "Application" in ServiceNow?

Ans: The application is a group of modules that provide related information. For example, a change application provides information related to the change process. It consists of modules like create change tickets, view change tickets, etc.

27. What do you mean by coalesce?

Ans: Coalesce is a crucial property used in transform map field mapping. When we set the coalesce as true for a field mapping, it indicates that this field will serve as a unique key. This means that if a field match is found with the coalesce field, the existing record in the target table will be updated with the imported information. On the other hand, if no match is found, a new record will be inserted into the target table. Coalescing allows for efficient data integration, ensuring that existing records are updated with the latest information while also accommodating the insertion of new records when necessary. It plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and accuracy of data within the target table.

28. What do you mean by data lookup and record matching?

Ans: Data lookup and record matching feature helps to set a field value based on some conditions instead of writing scripts. For example, on Incident forms, the priority lookup rules sample data automatically sets the incident Priority based on the incident Impact and Urgency values. Data lookup rules allow specifying the conditions and fields where they want data lookups to occur. 

29. How to restrict users from uploading an attachment in ServiceNow?

Ans: To restrict users from uploading attachments in ServiceNow, follow these detailed steps:
1. Navigate to the System Properties section by clicking on "System Properties" in the ServiceNow platform.
2. In the Security tab, locate the "Attachment limits and behavior" section.
3. The property that needs to be modified is called "List of roles (comma-separated) that can create attachments" (glide.attachment.role).
4. Enter one or more roles separated by commas in the provided field.
5. It is important to note that only the roles listed in this property will have the ability to upload attachments to a record.
6. If no roles are entered in the property, then all roles will be able to upload attachments to ServiceNow forms.
7. Once you have entered the desired roles, click on the "Save" button to save the changes. By following these thorough steps, you can easily restrict users from uploading attachments in ServiceNow, ensuring that only specified roles have this capability.

30. What is the significance of the cascade variable checkbox in the order guide?

Ans: The significance of the cascade variable checkbox in the order guide is that it determines whether the variables used should cascade, passing their values to the ordered items. If this checkbox is cleared, the variable information entered in the order guide will not be passed on to the ordered items. This means that selecting the checkbox enables a cascading effect, where the values of variables are carried over to the items being ordered. On the other hand, if the checkbox is not selected, the variable information entered in the order guide will not be transferred, ensuring that the ordered items do not inherit the variable values. By understanding the functionality of this checkbox, users can control the flow of variable information within the order guide, ensuring accurate and specific data is passed on to the ordered items.

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31. What is ServiceNow IT Operations Management (ITOM)?

Answer: ServiceNow ITOM is a suite of applications and features that help organizations effectively manage and optimize their IT infrastructure and operations. It includes tools for discovery, event management, cloud management, orchestration, and more.

32. What is ServiceNow Discovery?

Answer: ServiceNow Discovery is a feature that automatically identifies and maps IT resources and their relationships within an organization's infrastructure. It helps maintain an accurate and up-to-date configuration management database (CMDB).

33. Explain the difference between Event Management and Incident Management in ITOM.

Answer: Event Management is the process of monitoring and managing IT events or alerts to identify potential issues proactively. Incident Management, on the other hand, deals with the response and resolution of incidents or disruptions in the IT environment.

34. What is ServiceNow Orchestration?

Answer: ServiceNow Orchestration is a tool that allows for the automation of tasks and processes across different systems and platforms. It helps streamline workflows and reduces manual intervention.

35. What are CI and CMDB in the context of ITOM?

Answer: CI stands for Configuration Item, which is a component of an IT system that needs to be managed and tracked. CMDB, or Configuration Management Database, is a centralized repository that stores information about CIs and their relationships.

36. How does ServiceNow ITOM support cloud management?

Answer: ServiceNow ITOM provides cloud management capabilities to help organizations manage and optimize their cloud resources, including monitoring usage, cost management, and automation of cloud-related tasks.

37. What is the role of ServiceNow Event Management in ITOM?

Answer: ServiceNow Event Management helps identify and prioritize events and alerts generated by various IT systems. It provides a consolidated view of events, allowing IT teams to focus on critical issues and reduce alert noise.

38. Explain the concept of Service Mapping in ITOM.

Answer: Service Mapping is a process in ITOM that maps the relationships and dependencies between IT components and services. It helps organisations understand how changes or issues in one area may impact others.

39. How does ServiceNow ITOM contribute to ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) best practices?

Answer: ServiceNow ITOM aligns with ITIL's best practices by providing tools and processes for better incident, problem, change, and configuration management. It helps organizations deliver IT services more efficiently and in compliance with ITIL guidelines.

40. Can you briefly describe the role of ServiceNow ITOM in improving IT operations efficiency?

Answer: ServiceNow ITOM enhances IT operations efficiency by automating manual tasks, providing real-time visibility into the IT environment, reducing service disruptions through proactive monitoring, and optimizing resource utilization.

41.What are the job profiles that a ServiceNow developer can look for?

A ServiceNow developer can explore various job profiles within their field of expertise. Some of the job profiles that are suitable for ServiceNow developers include:

1. Functional Consultant: ServiceNow developers can work as functional consultants, where they provide expertise in configuring and customizing ServiceNow applications to meet specific business needs and requirements.

2. Process Architect: ServiceNow developers can also work as process architects, responsible for designing and optimizing business processes within the ServiceNow platform. They ensure that processes are streamlined and efficient, utilizing best practices and industry standards.

3. Technical Consultant: ServiceNow developers can take on the role of a technical consultant, offering their technical expertise to clients and organizations. They provide guidance on system configurations, integrations, and customizations to maximize the value of ServiceNow.

4. Business or Process Analyst: ServiceNow developers can work as business or process analysts, analyzing existing workflows and processes to identify areas of improvement and optimization. They collaborate with stakeholders to understand their business requirements and translate them into effective ServiceNow solutions.

5. Platform Owner: ServiceNow developers can become platform owners, responsible for the overall management and administration of the ServiceNow instance within an organization. They oversee system configurations, user access, and platform performance, ensuring smooth operation and adherence to security standards.

6. Technical Lead: ServiceNow developers with extensive experience and expertise can take on the role of a technical lead. They provide guidance and leadership to a team of developers, overseeing project execution, code reviews, and ensuring high-quality deliverables.

7. Administrator: ServiceNow developers can work as administrators, responsible for maintaining and managing the ServiceNow platform on a day-to-day basis. They handle user provisioning, system updates, and troubleshoot technical issues.

8. Implementation Specialist: ServiceNow developers can specialize in implementing ServiceNow solutions for clients or organizations. They work closely with stakeholders to understand requirements, develop and customize applications, and ensure successful deployment.

9. Developer: ServiceNow developers can focus on development activities, building custom applications, workflows, and integrations on the ServiceNow platform. They have a deep understanding of ServiceNow's development framework and language.

These are just a few examples of the job profiles available for ServiceNow developers. The specific roles and responsibilities may vary depending on the organization and the project requirements.

42.What are the roles & responsibilities of a ServiceNow developer?

A ServiceNow developer plays a vital role in the efficient functioning of the ServiceNow platform. Their responsibilities encompass various key areas, including defect identification and providing effective solutions. Collaboration with other administrators is crucial in developing innovative solutions and implementing necessary modifications.

Utilizing their expertise in .NET, C#, AJAX, and third-party controls, ServiceNow developers optimize the platform's capabilities. They are responsible for managing tool settings to ensure consistent productivity, enhancing user experience by customizing new programs and modifications.

One of the primary duties of a ServiceNow developer is to implement changes with minimal disruptions and downtime. They are skilled in minimizing the impact of new implementations on the overall system performance. Additionally, they offer technical support and assistance throughout the development process, resolving any issues that may arise.

Overall, a ServiceNow developer is accountable for ensuring the smooth operation of the platform, enhancing its functionality, and providing ongoing support to users.

43.What certifications are offered by ServiceNow?

ServiceNow offers a range of certifications to validate and enhance your skills in various areas. Some of the certifications offered by ServiceNow include:

1. Certified Application Developer: This certification focuses on evaluating your expertise in developing and deploying applications within the ServiceNow platform. It ensures that you possess the necessary skills to create efficient and effective applications.

2. Certified Systems Administrator: This certification is designed to train individuals on the fundamentals of ServiceNow. It tests your abilities in managing, configuring, and implementing the ServiceNow platform. It covers essential aspects of system administration within the ServiceNow environment.

3. Certified Implementation Specialist: This certification assesses your knowledge and proficiency in specific areas of ServiceNow. It encompasses various topics such as service mapping, financial management, service management, vulnerability response, HR, security, and customer service management. It aims to validate your expertise in implementing and customizing ServiceNow solutions tailored to specific requirements.

These certifications demonstrate your competence and understanding of ServiceNow and its functionalities. They provide a comprehensive assessment of your skills and showcase your ability to work effectively within the ServiceNow platform.

44.What does a ServiceNow Developer do?

A ServiceNow Developer plays a vital role in overseeing the ServiceNow platform of an organization, which is essential for automating various business processes related to IT service management. Their primary responsibility is to enhance the platform by designing, configuring, building, troubleshooting, and installing both standard and customized applications. In addition to this, a ServiceNow Developer also ensures the stability of the platform and makes any necessary architectural modifications to meet the organization's requirements. By managing the ServiceNow platform, they contribute to streamlining and optimizing business operations and facilitating efficient IT service delivery.

45.What are the skills a ServiceNow developer should possess?

A ServiceNow developer should possess a comprehensive set of skills in order to effectively perform their role. Here is a breakdown of the key skills required:

1. Proficiency in JavaScript: An in-depth understanding of JavaScript is crucial for ServiceNow developers as it is the primary scripting language used within the platform. Ability to write clean and efficient code, use various APIs, and leverage frameworks is essential.

2. UI, SQL, HTML, and CSS Expertise: While not essential, expertise in UI, SQL, HTML, and CSS will greatly benefit a ServiceNow developer. Strong knowledge of these front-end technologies allows for customization of the user interface, integration with external databases, and styling enhancements.

3. XML and Structured Programming: ServiceNow heavily utilizes XML for data exchange and configuration purposes. Developers must have a good understanding of XML syntax and concepts. Additionally, knowledge of structured programming principles is important for writing efficient, modular, and maintainable code.

4. Experience in ServiceNow Implementations: Hands-on experience with ServiceNow implementations is highly desired. This includes configuring the platform, understanding its various modules and applications, and effectively utilizing features and functionalities to meet specific business requirements.

5. Problem-Solving Skills: ServiceNow developers often encounter complex situations that require critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The capability to analyze and troubleshoot issues, identify root causes, and find effective solutions is essential to ensure smooth operation of the platform.

6. Communication and Presentation Skills: Clear and effective communication is crucial for a ServiceNow developer to interact with various stakeholders such as project managers, business analysts, and end-users. It is important to be able to understand and convey technical information in a way that is easily understandable to non-technical individuals.

7. Time Management Skills: ServiceNow developers often work on multiple projects simultaneously and are required to meet deadlines. Good time management skills, including setting priorities, organizing tasks, and effectively managing workload, are essential to deliver high-quality solutions in a timely manner.

Overall, a skilled ServiceNow developer possesses a strong foundation in JavaScript, along with expertise in UI, SQL, HTML, and CSS. They have knowledge of XML and structured programming concepts, hands-on experience in ServiceNow implementations, and the ability to solve complex issues. Additionally, they exhibit good communication skills and effective time management to successfully fulfill their role in developing and maintaining ServiceNow applications.

46.Why is ServiceNow so popular?

ServiceNow has gained immense popularity due to its ability to enhance productivity and deliver exceptional experiences for both employees and organizations. One key reason behind ServiceNow's widespread adoption is its unique feature set that sets it apart from other ITSM tools. The platform offers an intuitive service experience that simplifies and streamlines processes for users. In addition, ServiceNow ensures service availability, helping organizations maintain a seamless workflow.

Another factor contributing to ServiceNow's popularity is its comprehensive range of key service metrics. This allows businesses to effectively measure and analyze various performance indicators, aiding in making data-driven decisions. Additionally, the platform facilitates efficient process delivery and management, allowing organizations to effectively prioritize and automate tasks.

Real-time communication is another standout feature of ServiceNow, enabling seamless collaboration and fostering customer engagement. The platform also serves as a hub for resource sharing, promoting efficient teamwork and knowledge exchange within the organization. Moreover, ServiceNow offers capabilities for testing, quality assurance, and more, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services.

Overall, ServiceNow's impressive feature set, including its intuitive service experience, assured service availability, key service metrics, process delivery and management, real-time communication, customer engagement, collaboration, resource sharing, and testing capabilities, have catapulted it to popularity as a leading ITSM tool.

47.Difference Between ServiceNow & Salesforce?

ServiceNow and Salesforce are both platforms that offer web-based and mobile app solutions for enterprise and mid-sized businesses. However, there are several key differences in terms of functionality, customer base, support, integrations, security, encryption, access control, and data policy.

Platforms Supported:
- ServiceNow supports web-based platforms and iPhone & Android apps.
- Salesforce supports web-based platforms and Windows phone apps.

Typical Customers:
- ServiceNow caters to enterprise and mid-size business customers.
- Salesforce caters to enterprise, small, and mid-sized business customers.

- Both ServiceNow and Salesforce offer phone and online support, knowledgebase, and video tutorials.

- ServiceNow integrates with OpsGenie, PagerDuty, and Workato.
- Salesforce integrates with MailChimp and Trello.

- ServiceNow lacks CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) and CCM (Cloud Controls Matrix) certifications.
- Salesforce holds CSA and CCM certifications, ensuring a higher level of security.

- ServiceNow does not provide encryption for sensitive data at rest.
- Salesforce implements encryption for sensitive data at rest.

Access Control:
- ServiceNow does not incorporate multi-factor authentication in the authentication process.
- Salesforce enforces multi-factor authentication for added security.

Data Policy:
- ServiceNow does not guarantee data backup in multiple locations.
- Salesforce ensures data backup in multiple locations, reducing the risk of data loss.

In summary, while both ServiceNow and Salesforce offer web-based and mobile app solutions, they differ in terms of customer base, security features, encryption, access control, and data policy. Salesforce provides a more comprehensive and secure platform for businesses with its certifications, encryption, multi-factor authentication, and data backup practices.

ServiceNow CMDB Interview Questions

1. What is CMDB, and what is its primary purpose in IT Service Management (ITSM)?

Answer: CMDB stands for Configuration Management Database. Its primary purpose in ITSM is to provide a centralized repository for managing information about Configuration Items (CIs) in an organization's IT infrastructure. It helps in tracking, controlling, and managing CIs and their relationships, facilitating accurate incident, problem, and change management.

2. What are the key benefits of implementing a CMDB in an IT organization?

Answer: Some key benefits of CMDB implementation include improved visibility into the IT environment, efficient incident and problem resolution, accurate change management, impact analysis for changes, and enhanced decision-making through data-driven insights.

3. Explain the difference between CI (Configuration Item) and Asset in the context of CMDB.

Answer: A Configuration Item (CI) represents any component in the IT environment, including hardware, software, documentation, and people. Assets are a subset of CIs and typically refer to hardware items, such as servers, laptops, and networking equipment. CIs are broader and include assets along with other IT elements.

4. What is the relationship between CMDB and ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)?

Answer: CMDB is an essential component of the ITIL framework, particularly in the Service Transition phase. ITIL provides guidelines and best practices for IT service management, and CMDB supports these practices by maintaining a record of CIs and their relationships.

5. How does CMDB help in incident and change management processes?

Answer: CMDB provides incident and change managers with a clear understanding of the IT infrastructure. In incident management, it helps identify affected CIs and their relationships to resolve incidents faster. In change management, it supports impact analysis by showing how changes may affect other CIs, helping plan and implement changes more effectively.

6. What is the process for populating the CMDB with Configuration Items (CIs) in ServiceNow?

Answer: The process involves discovery methods, data import, and manual data entry. ServiceNow's Discovery and Service Mapping tools can automatically discover and populate CIs. Data import tools can be used for bulk imports, and manual data entry is often necessary for custom or non-discoverable CIs.

7. How do you handle data reconciliation in the CMDB to ensure data accuracy and consistency?

Answer: Data reconciliation involves identifying and resolving discrepancies between data sources. Regular reconciliation processes and automated tools are used to validate data accuracy, match duplicate CIs, and update the CMDB with the most current information.

8. What are the best practices for managing relationships between Configuration Items in the CMDB?

Answer: Best practices include defining relationship types, clearly documenting relationships, maintaining relationship integrity during CI updates, and conducting regular audits to ensure relationship accuracy.

9. Can you explain the concept of "impact analysis" in CMDB and how it's useful in ITSM processes?

Answer: Impact analysis assesses the potential effects of a proposed change on CIs and services. It helps in evaluating risks and making informed decisions during the change management process to minimize disruptions and ensure service continuity.

10. What is a Business Service in the CMDB, and how does it relate to other CIs?

Answer: A Business Service in the CMDB represents an IT service from the perspective of business users. It relates to other CIs by showing dependencies and impact relationships, helping understand the business context of IT services.

Bonus Questions

1.How many rounds of interviews are there in ServiceNow?

In ServiceNow, the interview process typically involves a comprehensive series of 5 rounds. These rounds include an initial online examination, followed by two technical interviews, a managerial interview, and a final HR round. This well-structured process allows for thorough evaluation and assessment of the candidates, ensuring that ServiceNow selects the most qualified individuals for their team.

2.Is ServiceNow enough to get a job?

ServiceNow can indeed provide ample opportunities to secure a job, whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional. Building a successful career with ServiceNow hinges on a few key factors. Firstly, acquiring the proper ServiceNow training is essential. By undergoing comprehensive training, you will develop the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the ServiceNow ecosystem.

Additionally, preparing for ServiceNow interviews is crucial. Familiarizing yourself with common ServiceNow interview questions and ensuring you can confidently answer them will significantly enhance your chances of being hired. This preparation demonstrates your commitment to the role and your understanding of the ServiceNow platform.

ServiceNow offers a diverse range of job roles, including IT service management, application development, platform administration, and more. Therefore, it is essential to identify which particular area aligns with your interests and career goals. Gaining expertise in a specific ServiceNow domain or specialization can further enhance your job prospects and distinguish you from other candidates in the field.

While having ServiceNow skills can greatly boost your employability, it is also important to highlight transferable skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Employers often seek professionals who can effectively leverage the ServiceNow platform to streamline processes and contribute to overall business success.

In conclusion, possessing ServiceNow knowledge and experience can indeed be enough to secure a job. However, it is crucial to complement those skills with appropriate training, interview preparation, and a clear understanding of your desired career path within the ServiceNow ecosystem. With the right approach and dedication, you can establish a successful career leveraging the power of ServiceNow.

3.Does ServiceNow pay well?

ServiceNow professionals in India are highly valued and are well compensated for their skills and expertise. According to AmbitionBox, the average annual salary of ServiceNow professionals in India ranges from ? 18 Lakhs with 2 to 6 years of experience. This figure significantly exceeds the remuneration offered in many other job profiles. Thus, it can be concluded that ServiceNow offers a lucrative salary package, making it a well-paying career option in India.

4.Are ServiceNow developers in demand?

ServiceNow developers are highly sought after in the current job market, with a growing demand for their expertise and experience with the platform. The demand for ServiceNow developers has significantly increased, indicating a need for individuals who possess the skills and knowledge to work with this technology. Being a ServiceNow certified professional presents numerous opportunities to secure rewarding and well-paying careers.